Merit Award

Central Waterfront Transformation

3rd Street and Cargo Way

San Francisco, CA

Student: Vanya Suttiruttana

School: Landscape Architecture, U.C. Berkeley Extension

The Central Waterfront Project is located at the eastern portion of the City of San Francisco. The brownfield parcel is being transformed into a multi-use master planned project. High demand single and multi-family residential along with millions of square feet of research and development space are integrated in a sustainable way with brown roofs, solar energy and lower environmental impact. Planned circulation using a ring road and roundabouts make for safe high volume vehicle and pedestrian traffic patterns while being environmentally friendly. The character of the development is provided by repurposing the Silos and extending the existing railroad. This also reflects the historical industrial use of the site. Wetlands and green buffers deliver environmentally sound storm water management and offer natural habitat and recreational opportunities. With places to live, places to work and places to play, this sustainable community development has housing, economic opportunities and recreation all within walking distance.